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Going above and beyond to tackle loneliness during Covid-19

6 August 2020

Local News

Written byJames Beech

Going above and beyond to tackle loneliness during Covid-19

Radfield Home Care Stamford, Peterborough & Rutland, has been proudly reflecting upon the essential care and support they have been providing to older people throughout the Covid pandemic.

Covid has presented care providers with an unprecedented range of complex and demanding issues, from interpreting rapidly changing UK Government legislation to ensuring access to key safety equipment such as personal protective equipment (PPE). But at the same time, their home care services have become more vital than ever, with many people unable to access their usual support networks.

Director of Radfield Home Care Stamford, Peterborough and Rutland, James Beech, explains: “We are incredibly proud of the work we have done to support older people in our community. Going into the home of vulnerable people is always a huge responsibility, but even more so during a pandemic. Developing a responsive home care coronavirus strategy was vital to keep our clients safe during this uncertain time, and to make sure that no matter what, we could always be there to provide them with the essential care that they rely on every day of the week.”

For Radfield though, overcoming the logistical and safety challenges associated with providing care during a pandemic wasn’t enough. The team was aware that, in many ways, older people have faced the most threats and challenges in the wake of coronavirus. The need to shield has not only made it hard for many to receive the support they usually would from friends and family, but it’s also led to increased loneliness and heightened anxiety related to the fear of becoming infected.

For Radfield, it was important to focus on going above and beyond to ensure that older people in the community received the emotional support they needed, as well as the physical.

James explains: “A lot of the time, our care professionals were the only human contact that our clients had over the whole course of the pandemic. So it seemed only natural that we should go that little bit further during this difficult time.”

“We’ve been baking birthday cakes, surprising them with some of their favourite treats, fixing some odd bits of plumbing… a couple of our carers even tried their hands at hair styling while the hairdressers were shut! We’re a family-run business, and it’s always been important to us that we look after our clients as if they were members of our own families.”

Jessica Jenkinson, Radfield Home Care’s governance & operations manager, has expressed her appreciation for the hard work undertaken by the team, “During the pandemic Radfield Home Care Stamford, Peterborough & Rutland have shown their ability to adapt their service throughout the crisis. Guidance and legislation has been changing rapidly and they have flexed and adapted their care services to ensure care provision continues in line with up to date Government Guidance and that it’s safe, supportive and caring, despite the challenges posed by Covid-19.”

If you would like to find out more about Radfield Home Care jobs and how you can join the team, you can visit www.radfieldhomecare.co.uk or contact the branch directly on [email protected] or 01780 755 722.


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