Havering & Romford

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Our Community Partners

At Radfield Home Care we work closely with local businesses, organisations and individuals because establishing good relationships within the community is a vital step towards delivering the highest quality care services. 

One of our core values is to be there for our clients, for our Care Professionals and also our wider community. Our local community is rich in resources and when we work together, utilising everybodys’ strengths, everyone benefits as a whole.

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Dementia Music and Social Club

The Dementia Music and Social Club (DMSC) offers two-hour sessions twice a week, providing singing, dancing, stimulation, friendship, and fun for people with dementia and their caregivers in a safe, welcoming environment. Held at St John’s Church, South Hornchurch, and the United Reformed Church, Romford, the club is run by dedicated volunteers and operates on a not-for-profit basis. A nominal fee covers refreshments, live music, singalongs, raffles, and quizzes. The Radfield Havering Team supports DMSC, providing additional resources and promoting the club on their Facebook page, “Supporting Havering to Age Well.” They also offer information on local health services and social activities. Charlie Lovegrove, Community Connector at Radfield Home Care Havering, commends DMSC for their commitment to providing support for those with dementia, their loved ones, and caregivers in the local community.

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Alzheimer’s Society

Alzheimer’s Society Havering offers vital support and knowledge to address the challenges of living with dementia. Their support programs cater to caregivers and individuals with dementia, promoting healthy aging and well-being. Nyree Evers, the Dementia Advisor, praises Radfield for consistent support since 2022, facilitating connections with service users and families. Radfield’s “Supporting Havering To Age Well” group provides access to local and national services, enhancing community cohesion. Charlie Lovegrove, Community Connector at Radfield, applauds Alzheimer’s Society’s exceptional support programs, emphasizing their empathy and understanding for those affected by dementia. The Society’s efforts align closely with Radfield’s values, ensuring comprehensive care and support for individuals and families navigating the complexities of dementia.

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Alzheimer's Society

AgeUK – My Health Matters

Radfield Home Care has established a strong partnership with The My Health Matters project, funded by Public Health Havering and commissioned by Age UK. Led by Project Coordinator Sharon Adkins, the project relies on Health Champions to promote health and well-being across the borough. Radfield staff actively participate as Health Champions, attending outreach events and receiving training on various health topics. They collaborate with the project on initiatives such as Eating to Age Well and hydration awareness, while also engaging in additional training modules and webinars.

Sharon, a Registered Nutritionist, provides valuable support and guidance, referring clients to services like the “Supporting Havering to Age Well” Facebook community and domiciliary and day care facilities. Charlie Lovegrove, Radfield’s Community Connector, praises Sharon’s dedication and impact in the community, acknowledging her role in training over 500 Health Champions and providing ongoing support as a nutritionist. Radfield considers itself fortunate to collaborate with Sharon, recognizing her unwavering commitment to improving the well-being of individuals in Havering.

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My Health Matters

Saint Francis Hospice

Saint Francis Hospice, marking forty years of service in July 2024, is among the UK’s largest adult hospices, serving nearly a million people across Havering, Brentwood, Barking & Dagenham, Redbridge, and parts of West Essex. It provides comprehensive care for patients and families facing life-limiting conditions, specializing in end-of-life care and bereavement support. Services include inpatient care, Hospice at Home, outpatient support, and a transitional program for young adults. As a charity, Saint Francis Hospice relies on fundraising to cover two-thirds of its expenses. Radfield Home Care Havering & Romford supports the hospice through the ‘Hospice 100’ initiative, pledging to raise a minimum of £1000 annually. Andy Furneaux, Senior Local Engagement Officer, emphasizes the various ways supporters can contribute, highlighting the meaningful partnership with Radfield Home Care. Lisa Cable, Director at Radfield Home Care, expresses immense pride in their involvement with the hospice, acknowledging its profound impact.

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Saint Francis Hospice

Havering Singing for the Brain

Havering Singing for the Brain (HSFB), led by Ben Hawley, offers vital support for carers and those with dementia. Sessions include socializing, entertainment, and dementia advice, all facilitated by volunteers in a safe environment. HSFB collaborates with agencies like Radfield Home Care, enhancing support through initiatives like “Supporting Havering to Age Well.” Volunteers, highlighted in the initiative, bring valuable experience to interactions. Charlie Lovegrove of Radfield praises HSFB’s impact, providing compassionate spaces for those with dementia and caregivers across Havering. Attendees consistently leave with smiles, reflecting HSFB’s exceptional work.

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Havering Singing for the Brain

Clock Cricket

Clock Cricket is a small not for profit organisation providing gentle seated exercise for the older generation. Clock Cricket is played with a soft ball & foam bat. It can be played with either two teams or seated in a circle.
It encourages people to exercise without realising they are exercising; their social interactions increase and above all they have fun!

Sean Carey, Director at Clock Cricket, has recently explained that “We started working with Radfield Home Care Havering & Romford a couple of years ago and as a result of their support & collaboration we have increased our client base in Essex, which means that even more people can benefit from our Clock Cricket and Kurling sessions.”

Lisa Cable, Director at Radfield Home Care Havering & Romford has stated that “The work that Sean and his team are doing is amazing. Sean creates such an amazing atmosphere when he regularly attends the Billericay Memory Café and all of our attendees absolutely love him!”

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Clock Cricket - HAB Community Partner

Sport for Confidence

Sport for Confidence, a community interest company (CIC) deploying the collective intelligence of Occupational Therapy and Coaches. This symbiotic relationship between the two professions, promotes therapeutic relationships which utilises each other’s scope of practice to apply their knowledge and expertise as one, providing the best possible experience for the person to engage with physical activity in a way that is relevant and meaningful to their own lives.
Our dynamic duo operates in diverse spaces and places, locally and nationally, with a focus which is designed to consider the need of the person, environment, occupation and performance.

Occupational Therapist, Amber Brogden, who leads the model at Harrow Lodge has recently explained that “Our Occupational Therapists consider the impact physical, psychological, social and environmental factors have on an individual. Through inclusive opportunities and therapeutic intervention, we provide person-centred support and meaningful occupations.

Charlie Lovegrove, Community Connector, at Radfield Home Care Havering and Romford has said that “Sport for Confidence are a fabulous community asset and we have worked alongside them for a few years where we have often referred clients to each other. We have seen first-hand the work that they do to break down barriers in sport, especially for individuals living with. Dementia, and the indirect support that they provide to their clients’ family members is also incredible.”

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Sport for Confidence - Community Partner