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Shropshire comes together for Dementia Support Information Day

22 May 2023

Written byOwain Farrington

Shropshire comes together for Dementia Support Information Day

On 18th May 2023, Radfield Home Care Shrewsbury & Oswestry arranged a Dementia Support Information Day for the county of Shropshire. The day, held during Dementia Action Week, brought together as many dementia and Alzheimer’s support services and resources as we could find under one roof. The event was inspired by our own experiences and observations providing care in the Shrewsbury & Oswestry area.

Karen Corcoran, Business Development Manager at Radfield Home Care Shrewsbury & Oswestry spearheaded the event with her team. She said:

“There are loads of fantastic resources for people living with dementia and their families. But the problem is, no one knows where they all are or that they even exist. I organised the dementia information day so that our clients and our community could access all of these great resources all in one place.”

The event welcomed over 150 people, sharing vital information about dementia, Alzheimer’s and associated issues.

Find Dementia and Alzheimer’s Support Information

If you are reading this article and are looking for dementia and Alzheimer’s support information and resources in Shropshire, we have collated information about all the attendees and resources that were available at the event below, along with website links to each organisation.

Each of these groups is providing valuable support, resources and information for our local communities, people living with dementia, and their families.

Dementia UK

dementia uk team at the demntia support information day by radfield home care
Rebecca & Kate were greeting people at the event with valuable information from Dementia UK, the specialist dementia nurse charity. Dementia UK offers a variety of free information via their website. They also provide life-changing care with their Admiral Nurses and can be referred to by a GP or equivalent professional.

For more on Dementia UK, click here.


NHS STW at the dementia support information day by radfield home care

Helen and Lynda came to the event to show people about the Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin NHS Integrated Care System (ICS). The ICS works with local groups and organisations to improve access to care information across the county. The ICS are working closely with Clive of PALZ, a dementia support group (more on them below). Helen said: “Clive is working with us to get an integrated care plan right through from diagnosis right to last stage.” For more on the Integrated Care System, click here.

Alzheimer’s Society

Alzheimer's society the dementia support information day by radfield home care

Dianne and David from the Alzheimer’s Society were at the event, providing useful resources and signposting to local services. Speaking about how to connect with people living with dementia, David said: “When people living with dementia think of other people, they think of their most vivid memory of them. It becomes about connecting through those emotions.” For more on the Alzheimer’s Society and the resources they provide, click here.

Curious about Care

curious about care at the dementia support information day by radfield home care

At Radfield we know that exceptional care comes from exceptional people, which is why services such as Curious about Care are so valuable. Curious about Care offers a values-based recruitment support service using a quiz informed by a panel of people with lived experiences. Talking about providing or receiving care can be difficult topics to speak about that Curious about Care can support with. Manning the stall on the day was Mark who added: “We also offer resources for getting people prepared for conversations around care which can be a difficult first step.” For more information about Curious about Care, click here.


DASS at the dementia support information day by radfield home care

Emily, Louise & Page attended the day, representing Dementia Assessment and Support Service (DASS). DASS was established to help join the dots between services and resources, providing a dementia care pathway for people living with dementia in Shropshire and Telford & Wrekin. For more information on DASS, click here.


PALZ at the dementia support information day by radfield home care

PALZ (Professionals with Alzheimer’s) is a fantastic group that provides a social environment for people living with dementia and Alzheimer’s after holding a challenging career. Clive, Catering and Maggie attended the event to represent PALZ. Maggie said: “We are a social group of people with dementia who meet about six times a year for presentations and discussions on interesting topics. We are also not just for professionals, if it sparks interest, anyone is welcome.”

Barbara, whose partner Clive has been living with dementia for several years added: “I didn’t know who to speak to about it, so when we went to a Palz meeting it was incredible to meet others experiencing what we were going through and now, they’re almost like family. I can’t say how important it was.”

For more on PALZ, click here.

Community Resource

community resource at the dementia support information day by radfield home care

Suzanne & Natalie came to the event representing Community Resource, also known as the Shropshire Rural Communities Charity.
Community Resource helps people stay active, keep connected and maintain their health and independence. The organisation works with local groups offering advice and support so they can support their own communities.

Natalie said: “We support the community of Shropshire with wellbeing and care. This includes everything from communication support to financial advice.”
One particular scheme is helping people power their homes through the cost of living crisis. Natalie added: “Through the financial crisis we can offer an oil buying club to help people secure the best prices for oil.” Initiatives such as this can help relieve burdens on people who are receiving or providing care. For more on Community Resource, click here.

Dementia Care Team

dementia care team the dementia support information day by radfield home care

Karen came to the event with The Dementia Care Team of Shrewsbury and Telford hospital. The team supports dementia patients, families, carers and staff with training and support.

For more on the dementia care team, click here.

Telford and Wrekin Independent Living

Independent living the dementia support information day by radfield home care

Andy was at the event showcasing everyday changes and gadgets that can be used around the home to help people living with dementia. Ideas such as using a one-cup kettle can alleviate issues such as lifting a heavy kettle, while common items like a frying basket and be used to handle food without touching the pan/pot. Telford and Wrekin Independent Living keep items on hand at Telford Hospital, allowing people to try out affordable gadgets and tech for making living at home easier. For more information on Independent Living, click here.

Rapid Relief Team (RRT)

RRT at the dementia support information day by radfield home care

Wallace of the Rapid Relief Team (RRT) attended to show the incredible impact RRT has locally and across the world. RRT provides international emergency and disaster relief along with support for communities through charitable donations. Established by Plymouth Brethren Christian Church (PBCC), RRT is driven by 14,500 volunteers worldwide and made a donation to Shrewsbury Hospital. For more on RRT, click here.

Healthwatch Shropshire

healthwatch at the dementia support information day by radfield home care

Representing healthwatch Shropshire at the event was Liz. Healthwatch provides patients and families with the opportunity to feedback on health and social care services. Liz said: “We are an independent charity and the idea is that we record anonymous feedback to improve care. It’s about gathering feedback to see what’s going well and what needs improvement.”

For more on healthwatch, click here.

As an interesting side note, Liz once provided care with Radfield when we were a residential care home on Kennedy Road over 15 years ago. It was lovely to meet and work with Liz once more on such an impactful event.

SAND, Safe Ageing No Discrimination

SAND at the dementia support information day by radfield home care

SAND promotes understanding and support for the LGBT community among organisations that interact with older people. We spoke with James at the event who said: “We recognised there is an issue with older LGBT people ageing and interacting with organisations like the NHS or care companies and not being able to feel safe.” SAND does this through their covenant that any organisation can sign up to, promising to promote the values of SAND. James’ colleague Sal added: “I like to think of it as creating an environment and space that anyone can step into.”

West Mercia Women’s Aid

West Mercia women's aid at the dementia support information day by radfield home care

Alice attended, representing  West Mercia Women’s Aid, a group working towards the goal of ending violence, abuse and discrimination against women and children. Alice said: “We support victims of domestic abuse and are always here for them with our helpline.”
For more on West Mercia Women’s Aid, click here.

Wace Morgan

Wace Morgan at the dementia support information day by radfield home care

Anwen of the Wace Morgan Wills and Probates team attended, providing information and advice on the legal matters that people commonly face later in life. Anwen said: “Those conversations about wills and power of attorney can be really difficult to start, but it is so important to begin talking about it as soon as possible, which is what we are encouraging people to do.” For more on Wace Morgan, click here.

Shropshire Libraries

Shropshire libraries at the dementia support information day by radfield home care

Heather came to the event to showcase some of the fantastic free resources the libraries offer for people living with Alzheimer’s and dementia. She said: “Anyone with a library card can borrow one of our memory bags. The bags contain imagery, books and items that are great for use in therapy and support for care.”

For more on Shropshire Libraries, memory bags and the other resource available, click here.

Shrewsbury Town Foundation

shrewsbury town foundation at the dementia support information day by radfield home care

Sophie of the Shrewsbury Town Foundation attended to promote the clubs and community groups the foundation hosts and supports. This includes a Dementia Cafe, arranged by Radfield Home Care Shrewsbury & Oswestry. For more on the STF, click here.

Cavalier Centre

Cavalier centre at the dementia support information day by radfield home care

Richard from the Cavalier Centre (near Much Wenlock) attended, promoting the many supportive equine activities available at the centre, including Tea with a Pony. Events such as this help people living with dementia by stirring deep positive memories many people have from interactions with animals.

Richard said: “We built the centre to remove barriers to equine-related activities for people whole may need support, such as people with dementia.”

For more on the Cavalier Centre, click here.

Telford and Wrekin CVS

Telford and wrekin CVScat the dementia support information day by radfield home care

Nadine, Kuda and Hilda were representing Telford and Wrekin Council for Voluntary Services (CVS). The CVS works in partnership with local organisations and bodies to support the local community. Nadine said: “We support unpaid carers with respite and health and wellbeing groups.”
For more information on Telford and Wrekin CVS, click here.

Diabetes Health Education

X-pert health at the dementia day by radfield home care

Larisa attended, promoting Diabetes Health Education and the charity X-pert Health. Larisa said: “We run an expert diabetes programme which lasts six weeks and we teach about managing diabetes as a lifestyle. It’s to empower patients with the skills and knowledge they need.” 

For more on X-pert Health, click here.

Shropshire Council – Community Wellbeing Outreach Team

Shropshire council at the dementia day by radfield home care

The Shropshire Council Community Wellbeing Outreach Team (CWOT) attended, offering free health checks to attendees. The CWOT were also carrying out

the JSNA (Joint Strategic Needs Assessment) which is a local needs service about improving the local community.

For more on CWOT, click here.

Severn Hospice

severn hospice at the dementia day by radfield home care

Local Shropshire-based hospice, Severn Hospice has been supporting people in Shropshire and Mid Wales living with incurable illnesses since 1989. They now support over 2,000 people each year. Attending the event was Cheryl who said: said: “We look after anybody with a life-threatening illness. Lately, we have been seeing an increase in people coming to us with dementia.” For more on Severn Hospice, click here.

Joint Training

joint training at the dementia day by radfield home care

The Joint Training team are a specialist training team that work within Shropshire Council. The team offer a variety of training courses including dementia awareness courses. Further information about the resources they offer can be found here.

Lingen Davies

lingen davies at the dementia day by radfield home care

Clare was attending from Lingen Davies, local cancer support charity, promoting resources from the best cancer research and support service sin the country. Clare said: “I speak to people about the signs and symptoms of cancer and we also do talks to organisations and community groups free of charge.” For more on Lingen Davies, click here.

Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service

Shropshire fire and rescue service at the dementia day by radfield home care

Delyth of Shropshire Fire and Rescue attended, promoting fire prevention and safety advice for everyone at home. Delyth added: “We also offer something called a Safe and Well visit, which is a home visit where we can carry out home checks, answer questions and help people to be, and feel, safer at home.” For more on Safe and Well visits from Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service, click here.

Armed Forces

Aremed forces at the dementia day by radfield home care

Armed Forces Outreach Support Coordinator, Sarah, attended, promoting initiatives that support veterans and their families. One such initiative is the Armed Forces Covenant, an pledge organisations may sign that promises to provide fair opportunities to people who serve, or have served, and their families. Radfield Home Care founder, Dr Hannah MacKechnie signed the covenant last year. For more on the Armed Forces Covenant, click here.

Age UK

Age uk at the dementia day by radfield home care

Karen, Emma and Max the dog attended from the Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin Age UK office. The team were promoting local support services for people living with dementia and their families. Emma said: “We have got a dementia respite service for people with dementia to give them and their carers a break. 

“It involves matching them up with a volunteer. We also help with keeping older people active and providing training with things such as IT.”

For more on Age UK on respite services, click here.

LWTC Diabetes Prevention

LWTC the dementia support information day by radfield home care

Kay attended the event to promote the benefits of type 2 diabetes awareness and prevention. She said: “We use a nine-month programme that is focused on sustainable changes for each individual. We do group sessions in the community and we also have an app as well.” For more on LWTC and diabetes prevention, click here.

Oxbow manor

oxbow manor residential care home at the dementia day by radfield home care

Ann Rose came to the event from Oxbow Manor residential care home. Oxbow is a new residential care home and is the first Care UK care home in Shrewsbury. For more on Oxbow Manor Care Home, click here.

Shropshire and Telford Hospital

SATH at the dementia day by radfield home care

Kate came to the event, representing Shropshire and Telford Hospital (SaTH). She said: “I speak with people who use our hospitals to encourage involvement and engagement from the community.” Attendees were encouraged to join the SaTH NHS Trust whereby they would receive a free quarterly newsletter and regular information about the services and events the trust is arranging or being involved in. For more on SaTH and the trust, click here.

Mental Health Support bus

MHS Shropshire at the dementia day by radfield home care

Maree stopped by at the event with Mental Health Support in Winnie the Wellbeing bus, providing a safe space to talk about mental health.

Maree said: “We are a local charity providing mental health support for the whole county.” For more on Shropshire Mental Health Support, click here.

Dementia Action Alliance

dementia action alliance at the dementia day by radfield home care

The Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin Dementia Action Alliance (DAA) works to connect groups and share best practices around dementia while giving a voice to carers and people living with dementia. Representing the DAA at the dementia support information day was Mary who said: “Our purpose is to support individuals, organisations and companies to be more Dementia friendly. For each organisation those actions will be different and it’s lots of small things that make the difference. Things like access, and communication training.”
For more information on the DAA, click here.

Shrewsbury Town Council

Shropshire town Mayor at the dementia day by radfield home care

Showing support for the Dementia Support Information Day, the Mayor of Shrewsbury, Madam Mayoress Becky Wall met with stall holders and attendees.
From left are Radfield Care Professional Laura, Radfield Business Development Manager Karen and Mayoress Wall. For more on Shrewsbury Town Council, click here.

Mayfair Community Centre

Representatives from Mayfair Community Centre (MCC) also attended to promote the care, support and wellbeing services they provide.  is a registered charity, providing support and care services for the local community in and around Church Stretton. For more on Mayfair Community Centre, click here.

Shropshire Wildlife Trust

Shropshire Wildlife Trust (SWT) attended the event, promoting their Feed the Birds befriending initiative. Feed the Birds seeks to match up volunteers with people who cannot get outside to enjoy nature and do things like feed the birds. For more on Feed the Birds and the SWT, click here.


Exceptional home care in Shrewsbury & Oswestry

At Radfield Home Care Shrewsbury & Oswestry we offer a variety of home care services, including: visiting care, live-in care, day care and connected care (assistive technologies). Radfield has been providing exceptional care for the people of Shrewsbury and the surrounding areas for over 40 years and will continue helping people to remain connected to the things that matter most to them.

For more on our services, click here.


Owain Farrington

Owain Farrington

Head of Marketing

An experienced content creator with a varied marketing skillset. Owain is an accomplished verbal and visual communicator.

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