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How a carer’s gift brought hope to his client

5 August 2021

Written byPhil MacKechnie

How a carer’s gift brought hope to his client

Wayne Plumridge is a Care Professional with Radfield and father to two children, both living with autism and have a fondness for loom bands, small rubber bands that can be crafted into bracelets, necklaces, charms and toys.

Wayne’s children use them as a concentration aid, but Wayne’s daughter, when anxious, would use them to craft toys.

Their grandfather lives with dementia, so they knew what it was like to be around older people in need of some help. Wayne’s daughter would give her creations to her grandfather, as she knew he enjoyed being given new toys to play with. She knew that Wayne was a carer and one day asked if she could start making toys to help his clients, the same way her toys help her grandfather.

One of Wayne’s clients is Margaret, she lives alone in her own house, full to the brim with animal sculptures and trinkets. Her grandchildren would visit occasionally through lockdown, which made her feel quite lonely at times as the pandemic meant that she was unable to see the people she loved or do things she once enjoyed.

Wayne wanted to cheer her up and bring a little bit of sunshine to her life, knowing she liked animals, he knew just what to do. He handed her one of the toy cats that his daughter had made.

Margaret was taken aback. Her face lit up as she was given the little rubber trinket. She was so impressed that she even offered Wayne some money in exchange for the new toy! He of course explained that it was a gift from his daughter, and Margaret was overjoyed.

The little toy cat now sits proudly on Margaret’s dining table and for the first time since he started visiting, she ate a whole meal. She did so with a big smile on her face. Independence is important and the home care assistants at Radfield always encourage healthy eating habits. Getting Margaret’s eating back on track was a great step forward in her ability to live independently.

Since then, Wayne’s daughter has made Margaret a number more, in lots of different bright colours.

Their relationship has blossomed since, and she always enjoys listening to Wayne share stories of his family. Sharing stories makes Margaret feel alive and part of society once again.

Wayne treats his client’s like extended members of his own family, placing their wellbeing at the forefront of his work, never forgetting that the people he cares for are someone’s mum, dad, or grandparent, resonating with his family orientated spirit.

As a passionate caregiver, Wayne always gives people time with a listening ear, letting them talk about the things they’ve seen that day, what they’ve eaten and how they feel. It makes them feel like somebody cares and most importantly it gives people hope.

If you would like to find out more about Radfield Home Care and how you can join the team, you can visit www.radfieldhomecare.co.uk or contact your local office.


Phil MacKechnie

Phil MacKechnie

Franchise Development Director

My passion is to help home care business owners start and grow their businesses and promote Radfield’s purpose and mission.

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