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Carers’ bright ideas ignited this clients’ sparkle

22 July 2021

Written byPhil MacKechnie

Carers’ bright ideas ignited this clients’ sparkle

As couples get older, they often fall into their own bubble; relying on each other for both physical and mental support. Loss can break this support network and leave those that remain in a state of vacant limbo. Just getting through the day becomes a challenge when the person you rely on most is missing. Linda understands this only too well since losing her husband.

Following a brief stay in hospital, she moved in with her family, a short distance away from her marital home and the village where her husband is buried. It felt like it was the right time to reach out for help and support.

Sarah Lamsdale, Care Professional, visits Linda for a couple of hours a day. The care and support Radfield provides involves some companionship, helping Linda to get dressed, preparing breakfast, and assisting Linda with walking, as she is a little unsteady on her feet.

Private home care provides a unique opportunity for people to get to know each other and over time, Sarah and Linda have built a strong friendship. Linda talks regularly about how she misses her husband, sharing fond stories and memories.

In her marital home, Linda would visit her husband’s grave regularly to say hello and have a quick chat. SInce moving, she rarely has the opportunity to pay him a visit. Her children have their own children and live busy lives.

Linda was going through a particularly difficult period and felt as though asking to be taken to visit her husband would be a burden on an already busy family. She missed the special visits to see her husband and the warmth, comfort and peace that it would bring.

Sarah could see that Linda was missing these special moments and so after checking with her care manager, the client and the family, they decided Sarah would take her to visit her husband’s grave. While on her way to pick up Linda, Sarah stopped to buy some yellow roses for Linda to lay on his grave. Yellow roses signify eternal friendship and love, which Sarah thought reflected the couple perfectly.

Upon arrival, Sarah got to work helping Linda get dressed; she was excited and wanted to look smart for her big day out. The weather was on their side, it was a beautifully sunny day. The pair enjoyed a short drive through the most idyllic countryside and Linda was in her element, reminiscing and sharing memories along the way.

The walk through the cemetery was both beautiful and emotional. Linda laid the yellow roses at her husband’s grave, whilst Sarah took a step back and wandered back to the car, giving Linda some time alone to sit and chat with her husband.

As they walked back to the car, Linda was squeezing Sarah’s arm, thanking her over and over again. Sarah’s willingness to go above and beyond client expectations really paid off for Linda’s mental wellbeing; which set in motion a chain reaction of positive changes in Linda’s life.

Since opening up to Sarah about how she was feeling, visits with Linda to see her husband have become more regular. Linda’s independence and confidence have blossomed and she’s gained the strength to walk for short periods unassisted. Home care assistants are client focussed and Radfield is a home care agency that encourages independent living.

Being a carer isn’t all sunshine and roses, but it’s those days when you step back and see just how much your client has grown and developed that make it all worthwhile. Linda has her sparkle back, she’s determined to walk more and now requests harder physio exercises to push her further.

Similar to a smile, when you do positive things for people, the feeling spreads. One day, Sarah asked Linda if she liked reading books. Linda explained that she had a real love for reading, but was yet to move any of her books into the family home.

It just so happened that Sarah had a different client with a big bag of books ready to be taken to a local charity shop. On her next visit, Sarah asked if she would be willing to lend a few books to share with other clients. Safe to say, her other client was absolutely delighted at the thought! Recommendations of what to read and in which order followed, as everyone became enthralled with the idea.

Fast forward a week and Linda had read three of the books already. She was so happy, sharing the stories with Sarah and enjoying life once more. What started as a quick book swap between clients swiftly snowballed into a full on ‘book swap club’ with the care assistants at the office and beyond.

If you would like to find out more about Radfield Home Care and how you can join the team, you can visit www.radfieldhomecare.co.uk or contact your local office.


Phil MacKechnie

Phil MacKechnie

Franchise Development Director

My passion is to help home care business owners start and grow their businesses and promote Radfield’s purpose and mission.

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