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6 reasons to be a home care professional

23 April 2020

Written byPhil MacKechnie

6 reasons to be a home care professional

There are many reasons people consider working in the care sector – sometimes it is to give something back to their local community, sometimes it is to reenter employment when children have left home or maybe it is to support themselves whilst studying. However, no matter what your reasons for thinking of becoming a home care professional are, you will certainly experience the benefits below…

1) Being a home carer is one of the most rewarding jobs you can do

There’s not many jobs that you can see the results of what you do, first hand, everyday. Working as a home care assistant though, you experience exactly this.

Each day you are on the frontline, making a real difference to people’s lives and, as time goes on, you will often see the benefits of the care and support you are providing results of what you do. Whether that is simply providing someone with transport to have their haircut or attend local events, helping them take their medication or even helping someone rehabilitate after a fall – everything you do makes a difference to your clients’ lives.

2) Working as a home carer offers unrivalled work life balance

Home care services have various busy periods throughout each day and each week, meaning there are different shift patterns available that can suit anyone’s needs.

As a result, working as a home care professional means shifts can often work seamlessly with your day-to-day life – whether that is working full time, looking after children until your partner gets home from work, keeping midday free for lunch with friends or even alternating weekends at work. Often work is within your local community, meaning you benefit from little to no commute as well! Few other jobs have such a wide array of shift patterns that can fit perfectly into an already busy schedule.

3) Always dreamt of being a nurse? Home care generates fantastic career opportunities

We’ve already mentioned how rewarding a job as a home carer can be, but it can also lead you into a rewarding lifelong career. Home care is a fantastic springboard into the wider healthcare sector; whether that is moving into care management, nursing or other health related roles. Here at Radfield we can even support our home care professionals with career development and training as part of our Caring for our Carers pledge.

4) You’ll always be meeting new clients and colleagues

The primary focus of your role as a home care professional is to visit multiple clients each day to provide care and support. As a result, you will be spending time and building relationships with many different clients each week – and all too often they have some fantastic stories to tell and memories to share with you!

At Radfield, we try to match you with the same long term clients each week to help build good relationships, but you will also meet and support new clients from time-to-time and sometimes meet their family members too!

As we work together to support more clients, you will also have new colleagues joining the team. You will regularly be working and training alongside all of your colleagues and, as a result, they often become good friends.

5) Challenges will help you learn new skills and build self-confidence

Whether you have worked as a care professional or support worker in the home care sector before or not, from time-to-time you will be faced with challenges to overcome. As you overcome these challenges and adopt new caring responsibilities, you will learn new skills that will help you progress in your career and build self-confidence that will benefit you in all areas of your life.

Overcoming these challenges also add to the job satisfaction and it can feel great going home each day knowing you helped achieve something and support your local community.

6) Trust us when we say ‘no two days are the same’

If you haven’t guessed it already, working as a home carer really is different each day! Whether it is supporting new clients and working with new people, overcoming new challenges and learning new skills, or working different shift patterns that suit your availability, there is little chance of getting tired of doing the same things day-in-day-out.

If you’re considering a full time career change, looking for a new part-time role or searching for something to help support you whilst you study, Radfield Home Care has job opportunities for home care professionals right now across the UK. You can find out more and apply online here.


Phil MacKechnie

Phil MacKechnie

Franchise Development Director

My passion is to help home care business owners start and grow their businesses and promote Radfield’s purpose and mission.

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