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Louise Patterson

Louise Patterson

Recruitment and Compliance Officer

About Louise

We would like to introduce you to Louise, our Recruitment and Compliance Officer for Radfield Home Care Liverpool North & Sefton. Louise is responsible for recruiting our team of expert care professionals and ensuring our care teams are set up for success to perform their roles. She also ensures that our carer and client information is compliant with the Care Quality Commission’s regulations.

Louise details her wealth of fantastic experience:

“I have worked in a number of roles in the past having been in the Royal Air Force for a number of years until I had my daughter. I then worked for a finance company for a couple of years and progressed from Receptionist to a New Business Clerk. I then moved to the Santander Retail Contact Centre, I then moved into the Fraud Contact Centre within the first 12 months and progressed to a Contact Centre Team Leader, managing a team of 15 call handlers, dealing with customer escalations, complaints and making sure the customer journey was smooth. I remained with the bank for 11 years and only left due to redundancy. I wanted a new role which would be more engaging with people and moved to the North West Ambulance as a call handler which I really enjoyed and remained there for 7 months. I then moved to a home care company as a Recruitment Consultant and progressed to a Recruitment Account manager.”

“When I initially joined the home care company I had never worked in the care sector and couldn’t answer questions potential candidates would ask. I completed my care certificate training within the first 8 weeks and delivered home care for some time. This gave me the knowledge and experience to help and reassure potential candidate queries. I enjoy recruitment and getting to speak with a variety of people on a day to day basis.”

As a former recruitment consultant Louise knows exactly how to find the best carers:

“I am aware of the recruitment needs for home care and how to identify good quality care professionals. I’m also familiar with North Liverpool and Sefton having previously recruited for these areas. Working in the community gives me an understanding of what the care professionals in the community go through each day – engaging with lots of different people, from potential candidates, clients and other HCP’s. I have care certificate training, previous managerial experience, knowledge of the local areas and an understanding of the recruitment challenges within the care sector.”