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Radfield’s 100 year old client receives the Covid vaccine!

11 February 2021

Written byMatthew Nutting

Radfield’s 100 year old client receives the Covid vaccine!

Radfield Home Care Harrogate, Wetherby and North Yorkshire, was absolutely delighted to learn that one of its valued clients, 100-year-old Amy Derrick, has received the coronavirus vaccination at the Great Yorkshire Showground.

Radfield Home Care Harrogate, Wetherby and North Yorkshire’s co-director Matthew Nutting describes his thoughts on this momentous event and the impact of the Covid-19 vaccination programme on the social care sector in general:

“The roll out of the vaccination programme feels like the light at the end of the tunnel for our clients and our staff. After a year of tough times it now finally feels like we have reason to be really hopeful. With one final push we can hopefully make it through this pandemic having kept our clients and care professionals safe”.

The Covid vaccination programme is of course just one part, albeit a large one, of the steps needed to be taken to combat the impact of the Covid upon society. The advice remains clear from the Government and leading health care bodies that we must all continue to abide by the cleanliness rules in place both at home, and at work.

Radfield continues to be guided by the most up-to-date information available and continues to apply all measures to ensure the safety of both its clients and care professionals.

If you would like to find out more about Radfield Home Care and the care support services offered, you can visit www.radfieldhomecare.co.uk or harrogate@radfieldhomecare.co.uk or 01423 608 760.


Matthew Nutting

Matthew Nutting

Director & Owner

Matthew is passionate about providing quality, client-centred care and he is also dedicated to providing a market-leading workplace for carers.

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