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Elsie wins Radfield ‘Design a Christmas Card’ competition!

18 December 2020

Written byMatthew Nutting

Elsie wins Radfield ‘Design a Christmas Card’ competition!

At Radfield Home Care Harrogate, Wetherby and North Yorkshire there is always fun to be had on the lead up to Christmas and it is even more special when it involves amazing members of the local community.

At the start of November, Radfield put out a series of Facebook posts aimed at getting the attention of local budding artists under 16 years old, who wanted to put their talents to use by creating a 2020 Radfield Christmas card to be sent to clients and many others. Not only would their design be professionally printed but they would also receive several fantastic prizes from two local businesses. On offer was a selection of mouth watering 1kg of sweets from Sugar Rush Confectionery Harrogate & Knaresborough and a Christmas themed craft box by Crafty Kidz Harrogate.

Matthew Nutting, co-director of Radfield Home Care Harrogate, Wetherby and North Yorkshire describes how the idea came about:

“The idea was completely down to our wonderful administrator Helen Millichamp! Helen thought it would be great to get kids involved in designing a card that would bring a smile to our clients faces. Since sending the cards we have numerous phone calls from clients thanking us for the card and commenting on what a great job Elsie did.”


The winner, Elsie Fogarty, was announced at the end of November and her festive Christmas card design proved to be the favourite amongst the other great entries that were received. The cards have now been professionally printed and will no doubt take pride of place in many homes this Christmas!

HWY The prizes a Crafty Kidz Harrogate craft box and a Sugar Rush 1kg box of sweets Hero Img
Pictured: The prizes – a Crafty Kidz Harrogate craft box and a Sugar Rush 1kg box of sweets.

If you would like to find out more about Radfield Home Care and the care support services offered, you can visit www.radfieldhomecare.co.uk or harrogate@radfieldhomecare.co.uk or 01423 608 760.


Matthew Nutting

Matthew Nutting

Director & Owner

Matthew is passionate about providing quality, client-centred care and he is also dedicated to providing a market-leading workplace for carers.

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