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Liverpool FC legends deliver lunches to Radfield clients

19 May 2020

Local News

Written byDavid Bellis

Liverpool FC legends deliver lunches to Radfield clients

During these unprecedented times, community groups who provide ongoing invaluable help and support to older and more vulnerable people, are having to find new ways to reach out and support their regular members. Marine in the Community – Community Cafe have risen to the challenge and are now delivering lunches directly to the doors of their regular attendees who would normally enjoy a weekly lunch and get together at the Football Club.

Radfield Home Care Liverpool North is one of the proud sponsors of the cafe along with other local Liverpool businesses and associations, to help fund and provide lunches and activities for the older communities in Crosby and the surrounding areas. The cafe has been held every Wednesday since the beginning of the year and has grown to around 100 regular attendees enjoying sandwiches, cakes, drinks, along with many social activities including bingo, live music, chair aerobics and talks to name but a few.

ve day celebration lunches

Radfield Clients Receiving VE Day Celebration Lunches

Dave Bellis, Director of Radfield Home Care Liverpool North explains,

“Once Covid-19 took hold, Graeme, the organiser and director of the group, suggested taking the cafe out to the community and contacted me to see if I wanted to be involved. The answer was of course yes, and myself along with a number of Radfield home care assistants delivered 25 lunches in the first week. We are now delivering over 60 lunches every Wednesday to older people in Crosby and Waterloo with a large number of them actually Radfield clients!”

Dave also adds,

“We also provided a one off lunch last Friday to commemorate VE day, which was enthusiastically received by all.

The community cafe has also seen ex Liverpool Football Club players, Jamie Carragher and David Fairclough helping out with the deliveries over the last 2 weeks, which has gone down exceptionally well with the group members and Radfield clients. One of which could barely contain herself when she saw who was delivering her lunch. She was so thrilled and delighted; they have definitely gone down very well!”

For more information on the Marine Community Cafe, visit their website


Dave Bellis

Dave Bellis

Director & Owner

Dave believes that being able to interact with individuals from all walks of life is an integral part of being successful in the Home Care sector and he has brought all these skills to his business.

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