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Lesley’s story: Dementia support and respite care in Worcester

11 May 2024

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Written byDawn Phillips

Lesley’s story: Dementia support and respite care in Worcester

Enhancing life for those with dementia in Worcester

Lesley and her husband Tony’s story are a testament to the importance of attentive, personal care. At Radfield Home Care Worcester, Droitwich & Malvern, we aim to identify the unique needs of every client. In the case of Lesley who lives with dementia, it was essential for her to have a regular routine. Unfortunately, the inconsistent timings of her previous care support visits were not suitable. We stepped in to offer our specialised home care services, focusing on maintaining a sense of regularity to suit Lesley’s needs.

Providing a regular care schedule

At Radfield Home Care, we understand the need for consistency, especially for those living with dementia. We stepped into Lesley’s life and ensured that her care support visits now occur at regular times. This new schedule is far less confusing for Lesley. Our Care Professional, Angela, is often present in these visits to offer personalised care and companionship to Lesley.

Compassionate companionship care at home

Lesley now receives morning visits along with two companionship visits a week. After some time, we found Lesley naturally developing a bond with Angela. Angela truly understands that companionship is more than just providing health care, but rather it is about creating moments of joy in Lesley’s routine.

We also pride ourselves on knowing the interests and hobbies of our clients and supporting them to enjoy those small pleasures, for Lesley, it’s chocolate cakes. We’re constantly coming up with creative ways to engage Lesley’s interests, such as painting her nails or playing old Motown tunes. These small gestures not only help stimulate memory but also bring a sense of normalcy and joy into her life.

Anglea and lesley dancing while Radfield Home Care Worcester provides respite care and dementia support in worcester

The value of respite care in Worcester

For family members like Tony, our respite care has proven to be invaluable, giving him time to run errands, shop or simply rest. He greatly appreciates the respite time Angela’s visits to Lesley provide. When Lesley’s tired, Angela knows just the right time for them to relax and watch Lesley’s favourite movie, “Mama Mia”.

Recommending personalised home care in the UK

Tony has seen the positive impact of our services on Lesley’s life and highly recommends Radfield Home Care to anyone dealing with dementia. As a premium private home care provider in the UK, we strive to create a blend of quality care and personal connection, bringing out the smile in Lesley and many other clients like her.

To find out more about our wide range of services that focus not just on physical care, but also on mental and emotional well-being, give our friendly team a call on 01905 427 863 or click here. To see some of the wonderful feedback from our clients, read our reviews here.


Dawn Phillips

Dawn Phillips

Director & Owner

Dawn has over 20 years of experience in the care sector and business operations. She is driven by a passion for providing top-quality care.

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