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Spooky Halloween crafts a big hit with Radfield’s clients

6 November 2020

Local News

Written byPhil MacKechnie

Spooky Halloween crafts a big hit with Radfield’s clients

In the name of celebrating all things spooky this Halloween – Radfield Home Care Shrewsbury and Oswestry have been planning and carrying out some fantastic activities for their clients. A devilishly good time was prepared by Radfield Home Care Shrewsbury and Oswestry’s care professionals, with much fun had by all involved.

Being able to participate in events and to have meaningful engagement with things around us, despite the current Covid-19 restrictions, is so important. Carrying out creative and cultural activities also has its own benefits, including increased wellbeing, keeping the mind busy, stress relief and improved cognitive ability. Radfield’s care professionals recognise the benefits of clients trying new things and this Halloween have continued to strive to make a difference, as care professional Ellis explains:

“We provide regular home care support for one of our clients for four hours every day and it is so important to us that we help her to keep her mind busy as she isn’t seeing her family much due to Covid. She hadn’t carved a pumpkin before but she was so taken with it she’s even kept the seeds to grow in the garden! She really enjoyed it and the smile on her face when I put a candle in it and turned the lights off was beautiful – it was something she hadn’t seen before. She was really impressed with how fast she’d done it and had a great sense of achievement. It’s really nice to be able to do this at home with our clients, they are so appreciative and it’s just really rewarding.”

It was not just pumpkins on show this Halloween but also a range of Halloween decorations kindly sourced by Radfield home care assistant Viv, which proved so popular they were put pride of place on her client’s window. Viv explains:

“We provide home care assistance and support to one of our fantastic clients seven days a week as the family can’t visit due to Covid-19 lockdown restrictions. We like to go and do craft activities, jigsaws and to generally have a good chat about things. We brought in a load of magazines that had Halloween related crafts to produce and we made lots of little decorations – she absolutely loved it. There was glue and paint everywhere! She put them up in her room and we hung them from the window for her so she could still see them when she watched TV.

These crafts are so important because it’s all about remaining active, to make the most of your day and having a memento to look back on is great. Every activity we do we take a photo and send this to the family so that everybody can share the fun and be involved.”

Getting to know their clients, empowering them and finding new ways to engage both themselves and their loved ones forms an important part of Radfield’s family values – learning new skills and participating in new activities is encouraged and truly valued.

If you would like to find out more about Radfield Home Care and the care support services offered, you can visit www.radfieldhomecare.co.uk or the branch directly on [email protected] or 01743 245 555.


Phil MacKechnie

Phil MacKechnie

Franchise Development Director

My passion is to help home care business owners start and grow their businesses and promote Radfield’s purpose and mission.

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