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A cracking time had by all – Easter comes to Radfield!

23 April 2021

Written byPhil MacKechnie

A cracking time had by all – Easter comes to Radfield!

Clients and carers alike at Radfield Home Care Shrewsbury and Oswestry have been celebrating Easter by taking part in a range of activities and enjoying some tasty chocolate Easter treats.

Karen Corcoran, Radfield Shrewsbury and Oswestry’s business development manager, describes the Easter fun that was had by all:

“Easter is such an exciting time for our carers and clients and we are so happy to be able to help carry on these important traditions despite all of the Covid restrictions that are in place. All of our clients have been sent a handmade card this year and our carers have been doing some fun Easter activities with them. These have included: making decorated hats, planting spring flowers and paper crafting.

It was also the perfect chance to really celebrate our carers and to say a happy Easter to them too – we made sure that all of our carers received an Easter egg too! We always look forward to celebrating events like Easter and are always taken aback at how much it means to those who take part – it’s just so much fun.

As well as celebrating traditions, our carers always take the time to do many wellbeing activities with our clients, from jigsaws, baking and playing many games like connect 4. We always have a supply of different activities at the office so our carers can swap them and there is plenty of opportunity to learn a new game too!”

The UK is not alone in celebrating all things Easter and here are a few fascinating facts you may not know about…

  • The tradition of decorating and painting eggs actually dates back thousands of years, the Greeks and Egyptians for example believed eggs to be the sign of fertility.
  • Exchanging sweets or chocolate, including the Easter egg, became popular in the mid-19th century when companies, particularly in France and Germany, became able to mass produce confectionery.
  • In 2021, UK retailers saw Easter egg sales soar by almost 50% (not all purchased by Radfield!), with an increase in people looking for more personalised hand crafted Easter eggs.
  • Cadbury produces an estimated 500 million creme eggs a year, with two-thirds being consumed in the UK.

If you would like to find out more about Radfield Home Care and the home care support services offered, you can you can visit www.radfieldhomecare.co.uk or contact the office directly shrewsbury@radfieldhomecare.co.uk or 01743 245 555.


Phil MacKechnie

Phil MacKechnie

Franchise Development Director

My passion is to help home care business owners start and grow their businesses and promote Radfield’s purpose and mission.

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