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We’ve been recognised as a Top 20 Home Care Provider

25 May 2022

Latest News

Written byJames Beech

We’ve been recognised as a Top 20 Home Care Provider

We are delighted to announce that we’ve been recognised as a Top 20 Home Care Provider! After lots of hard work, we’ve been awarded a place as a Top 20 Home Care Provider 2022 in the East Midlands region.

What it means to be a Top 20 Home Care provider in Stamford, Peterborough & Rutland

Similar to Tripadvisor for the tourism industry, Homecare.co.uk is the UK’s leading online review website for home care services. It allows clients, their relatives and loved ones to review the care they are receiving based on the quality of staff, the standard of care received, office management team, the dignity of services and value for money.

The awards recognise the Top 20 providers in each region and nationally that have the highest client-review rating each year. Radfield was one of the 6 highest rated companies against stiff competition from a total of 952 providers in the East Midlands. They were the only local provider to achieve the highest possible average score of 10 out of 10.

Stefania Beech, Co-Director of Radfield Home Care Stamford, Peterborough & Rutland said:

“This has been a fantastic year, with this latest accolade following on from the ‘Outstanding’ rating that we were awarded by the Care Quality Commission. We have been overwhelmed by the lovely reviews received from those we care for, as well as their families and friends. Our care professionals are simply amazing and deserve every bit of credit.”

A family member providing a review on Radfield Home Care wrote:

“Both my parents, like so many other older people, were reluctant to accept that they needed care. Fearing that help would mean their lives would be taken over and organised around a company schedule rather than making their own choices. Radfield home care have been the opposite, knowing when to step back and when to assist, they are all lovely people. They have helped me to look after my father die at home from a terminal illness when I too needed a bit of help. It is a stark reminder that ageing is not easy, but life can be so much better with the right care and support.”

If you would like to join the team and work with our award-winning team, you may discover a variety of career opportunities with us by clicking here. We look forward to hearing from you.


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