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Tips for maintaining independence in your older years

19 June 2020

Local News

Written byJames Beech

Tips for maintaining independence in your older years

Growing old is inevitable, it happens to us all, and although with age comes experience and wisdom, it can also bring anxiety and worry. Keeping our independence for as long as possible as we age is important to most of us.

1) Make sure your home is suitable for your needs

Whether downsizing to a smaller home or having bars or rails fitted to help you around the house, making sure your home is suited to your needs will help you feel safe. Stairlifts and ramps are also ideal if you’re struggling with steps as they help to keep you mobile without the worry of trips or falls.

2) Stay active

Whilst it has been difficult during the current pandemic, staying active will stop your joints and muscles from getting rusty. Going for a daily walk, if you are able to, will make you feel sprightlier and the fresh air will brighten your mood. Alternatively, try exercising at home by following one of the many programmes available on the television or the internet.

3) Use the internet to stay in touch

Particularly at this time, the internet is an excellent place to stay in touch with family and friends, thanks to video calling apps such as ‘Zoom’. Apps like these put you in touch with loved ones in seconds and can make you feel a lot less isolated. Shopping online can also be a big help.

4) Consider some support

You may get to a point where coping by yourself or having a partner, family member or friend looking after you becomes too much. Home Care means you get to stay at home and maintain your independence, while receiving the help you need when you need it.

If you would like to find out more about Radfield Home Care jobs and how you can join the team, you can visit www.radfieldhomecare.co.uk or contact the branch directly on [email protected] or 01780 755 722.


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