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Championing the best values in home care – Rose’s story

13 July 2020

Local News

Written byJames Beech

Championing the best values in home care – Rose’s story

We would like to introduce you to Rose, a care assistant for Radfield Home Care Stamford, Peterborough and Rutland.

Tell us about your previous care work/career background.

For a long time I had worked within the retail industry and was a manager of a fashion shop but in 2012 the business faced some difficulties and I found myself at a complete crossroads in my career. With a background as a manager and a trainer, I knew I had really useful transferable skills and that now was the time to look for something else worthwhile.

I had always felt strongly about how important the care profession is, having personal experience of caring for members of my family, so I decided this was where I really wanted to focus. A friend of mine, who worked in the care sector at another care agency, suggested I speak to her boss about possible jobs. I applied and went through the interview process and was delighted to be offered the position as a home care assistant and that’s where my career in care began.

What has inspired you to want to be involved in the adult social care sector?

My experience of being a caregiver for my Mum directly influenced my decision to become a care professional. I realised that providing one to one care and making sure our clients have the highest level of care didn’t phase me and it cemented my passion to care. My Mum said ‘promise me you will follow your heart and work in care, because you will make a great carer for somebody’, I knew following this career path would really make her happy.

Helping my family members and friends through some very difficult times opened my eyes to the wider adult care sector and what it is like caring for those with complex needs. Caring is my life and it has been informed by my personal life experience; this is what I believe makes me an empathetic carer and drives me to help others.

Why Radfield Home Care Agency?

I can’t express enough how different it is working for Radfield, compared to working in other home care environments as a care worker! Firstly, James Beech, director and co-owner of Radfield Home Care Stamford, Peterborough and Rutland, always listens to you and takes into account your experience and advice. If I express a comment about a client’s care plan or something they could benefit from, Karen Nash, our registered Care Manager, is straight on to it. It’s all about the reassurance, knowing you can speak freely and get the best for your clients.

Secondly, for me, a well trained team that communicates with each other is so essential in providing that consistent high level of care I believe in and this is what I experience daily at Radfield. My clients trust me and I know that I can fully trust any member of my team; if I’m not there, I don’t have to worry.

How did you get to hear about the job opportunity?

It was actually quite by luck and it happened while I was carrying out a care visit for a client. During the visit a flyer came through the door for Radfield and the client gave it to me to have a look at.

Later on that day I gave the office a call and spoke to James who arranged a further call with me. They were so nice to speak to, I’ve never had a boss that would actually talk to me with that level of respect. I had read the great reviews and the idea of being part of something that was new and would grow, really appealed as well.

What are your career aspirations?

Learning new skills is part and parcel of being a care professional and Radfield provides the training needed to do your job safely and to progress. I have an NVQ and have completed lots of other specialist courses such as hoist training.

I do have a passion to learn and you never stop learning in this job! I always want to progress but I’m happy where I am at the moment. Karen always asks during our weekly chats if there is anything specific I would like training on – she is always there showing her support. There is a real willingness to support care professionals.

Any special moments with clients you would like to share?

There is one lady I care for who has dementia, who I prepare some of her meals – she loves my pancakes. This all started on the run up to pancake day when she said she hadn’t had one in years. I made sure I took all the ingredients and she absolutely loved it.

Recently I mentioned that I’d cooked a shepherd’s pie at home and that really caught her interest – I made one the next week and brought it to her. She commented that I had become a good friend, and aren’t we lucky to have each other. It makes me feel very warm inside.

What do you love most about your job and working for Radfield Home Care?

The passion to maintain the best standard of care and the willingness to listen to the team, are part of Radfield’s caring for our carers pledge that the company demonstrates all the time. The other good thing about Radfield, is that they provide the right amount of time to care – I’m not up against the clock, which was always the case when working for other care agencies.

One of my personal goals is to make sure my clients receive as good care as possible and to be around people who go above and beyond for care – I wholeheartedly have this at Radfield.

Considering a career in care? Or want to find out how care professionals like Sarah can support you to live independently at home? Get in touch with the Radfield team on 01780 755 722 or email [email protected].


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