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Highest possible rating for Stamford in first-ever inspection

18 October 2021

Local News

Written byJames Beech

Highest possible rating for Stamford in first-ever inspection

We are absolutely thrilled to announce that we have achieved the extremely rare “Outstanding” rating on our first-ever inspection.

Following a comprehensive inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), we were awarded the accolade of “Outstanding”. This rating is awarded to fewer than 4% of domiciliary care providers and was particularly impressive, given that it was our first formal inspection since we opened our doors in October 2019.

Outstanding CQC inspection celebrations

To mark the occasion, we had a little celebration at the office in Great Casterton. Our Registered Care Manager, Chris Audsley said:

“This was a real team effort, and I am incredibly proud of our amazing family of Care Professionals for the tremendous work that they do, day in, day out.

We have developed a great culture in our company over a short space of time and this is reflected in the way that our team consistently goes above and beyond on behalf of their clients. In typical style, we are celebrating with cake for both our clients and our carers!”

Our wonderful clients enjoying some delicious cupcakes

Pictured: Our wonderful clients enjoying some delicious cupcakes

What is the CQC?

The CQC is the regulator for the Health & Social Care sector and published its inspection report on the 29th September 2021. The inspection involved a detailed review of information about our services, as well as interviews with staff members and 14 clients and their relatives.

The inspector stated that this was a very significant achievement for such a young business. It is the only Outstanding rating he has awarded on a first inspection in his 11 years of inspecting care services.

In his final report, he said:

“Staff cared for people with exceptional kindness and compassion; went out of their way to promote their welfare and happiness and respected their right to make choices in every aspect of their lives.”

The inspection report stated that placing people at the very heart of the service was clearly understood by staff. One staff member told the inspection team:

“We don’t look at them as a patient or client, they’re people. I really care for them, as I would a relative.”

If you would like to find out more about careers with Radfield Home Care and how you can join our team, you can visit www.radfieldhomecare.co.uk or contact the branch directly on  or 01780 755 722.


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