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Applying for Attendance Allowance

12 December 2019

Local News

Written byJames Beech

Applying for Attendance Allowance

Here is a Benefit for Older People that you may be able to Claim…

A little extra financial support can go a long way towards helping older people live independently at home. It’s sometimes surprising to learn of benefits that aren’t known about or that may be more easily accessible than you think. Attendance Allowance may be one of these!

At Radfield Home Care Stamford, Peterborough and Rutland, a number of our clients have successfully applied for Attendance Allowance, which has been a useful additional resource to help make ends meet.

What is Attendance Allowance?

Attendance Allowance is a benefit for older people who may need some extra help to live independently at home as a result of illness or disability.

What’s different about this allowance is that it is not means tested. You can claim it whatever your personal financial situation, although you may not be entitled to it if you already have a Personal Independent Payment (PIP) or a Disability Living Allowance (DLA).

How Much is Attendance Allowance Worth?

There are two main levels of payment.

The lower rate is set at £58.70 per week. This applies if you need either help during the day or help at night

The higher rate is set at £87.65 per week. This applies if you need help both during the day and at night.

How do I Qualify for Attendance Allowance?

Attendance Allowance is dependent on the help you need, not on your income or savings. These are the main criteria for claiming it:

  • You are over the state pension age
  • You have some form of disability, illness or long-term health condition
  • You would gain benefit from some help with things like dressing or washing or supervision to help keep you safe
  • You have required help for over six months

How can I use Attendance Allowance?

You can use the allowance in any way you wish, so long as it’s intended to help you stay independent at home. You don’t have to use it to support the use of care staff.

Applying for Attendance Allowance

Don’t be put off by the application form, it may be tens of pages long, but it is worth persevering with! If you are having trouble completing it, you can seek advice from a variety of sources, including the Department for Work & Pensions (DWP) and Age UK. You can ask either of these for a claim form or download it at ‘www.gov.uk/attendance-allowance‘. Your local Age UK branch or the DWP can also help you to fill in the form.

DWP – Attendance Allowance Helpline 0800 731 0122

Age UK – 0800 169 6565

Further Information

There is plenty of information on the gov.uk website, but it can look a little daunting. Age UK have also produced a useful pamphlet on Attendance Allowance, which will give you some good guidance on completing the application form. However, Radfield Home Care Stamford, Peterborough & Rutland’s top tip is to get someone knowledgeable to help you to complete the form. Age UK can point you in the right direction, but the DWP or local charities can also help you frame your application in the best way. Above all, don’t downplay your needs!


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