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Radfield Home Care Celebrates Fish and Chip Friday: A Taste of Tradition

2 July 2024

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Written bySamuel Holmes

Radfield Home Care Celebrates Fish and Chip Friday: A Taste of Tradition

At Radfield Home Care Bexhill, Hastings & Battle, we believe in creating special moments for our clients and team members alike. Last Friday, we hosted our much-anticipated Fish and Chip Friday, treating around a dozen of our clients and several of our dedicated carers to a delicious meal of free fish and chips. Our senior team also joined in the fun, enjoying the classic British dish together in the office.

The Importance of Fish and Chip Friday

Fish and chips are more than just a meal; they are a beloved part of British culture which ave been around since the 19th century. It’s a comfort food that brings back fond memories for many, especially our older clients who grew up enjoying this iconic dish.

radfield home care clients eat fish and chips at home helped by Radfield

A Nostalgic Delight for Our Clients

For our older clients, Fish and Chip Friday was not just about the food, but about the memories it evoked. Many of our clients reminisced about family outings to the seaside, Friday night takeaways, and the simple pleasure of enjoying fish and chips wrapped in newspaper. By providing this meal, we aimed to reconnect them with those happy times and bring a smile to their faces.

Bringing People Together

At Radfield Home Care, we understand the importance of community and togetherness. Fish and Chip Friday was a wonderful opportunity for our clients, carers, and office team to come together and share in the fun. The event fostered a sense of camaraderie and allowed everyone to bond over a shared love for this classic dish.

fish and chips enjoyed by Radfield Home Care clients

Why We Love Fish and Chip Friday

Cultural Significance: Fish and chips are a symbol of British heritage, loved by people of all ages.
Nostalgia: For our older clients, the meal brings back cherished memories from their past.
Community: Sharing a meal fosters connection and strengthens relationships within our Radfield Home Care family.
Enjoyment: Seeing the smiles on our clients’ faces as they enjoyed their meal was truly heartwarming.

Fish and Chip Friday was a resounding success, and we look forward to having more events that celebrate tradition, bring enjoyment, and create lasting memories for our clients and team.

For more on our award-winning care services, call our team on 01424 559 202 or click here.

radfield home care team celebrate fish and chips friday


Samuel Holmes

Samuel Holmes

Director & Owner

A former social worker, Samuel has a passion for supporting people to lead fulfilling lives.

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