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Radfield Home Care becomes a ‘living wage’ employer

6 November 2019

Written bySamuel Holmes

Radfield Home Care becomes a ‘living wage’ employer

Radfield Home Care Bexhill, Hastings & Battle is delighted to announce that following its well established ‘Caring for our CarersTM‘ employee welfare pledge, it has now taken this commitment one step further and has achieved a ‘Living Wage Accreditation’ for paying a ‘Real Living Wage’.

Recognising the impact its employees’ wellbeing has on the care services provided to its clients, Radfield Home Care has always been proud to support its staff with employee recognition schemes, a supportive work environment, and high wages – collectively referred to as its ‘Caring for Carers PledgeTM‘. However, Radfield has now taken this commitment one step further and have achieved Living Wage Foundation Accreditation.

The Living Wage Foundation recognises employers that voluntarily pay their workforce at least £9.30 per hour. This ‘Real Living Wage’ is calculated based on the cost of living, and is the recommended hourly wage required in order for employees and their families to live. As well as the natural impact this has on their employees, it has also been proven to have a positive impact on the growth of businesses due to improved reputation, increased employee retention rates, and an ethically-based USP.

Samuel Holmes, owner and director of Radfield Home Care explained,

“We have always paid our staff well, however, we are really pleased to be awarded this accreditation as a Living Wage employer, as it reinforces our commitment to ‘Care for our Carers’ and ensures that our clients know that their carers are being looked after.”

The accreditation also supports the much larger challenge home care providers such as Radfield Home Care are facing. Earlier last year a national recruitment campaign was launched by The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) to address the Liverpool South > News,000 vacancies in adult social care in England. The campaign is aimed to increase interest in adult social care as a career choice, increase the understanding of the variety of roles available and create further awareness to how valuable a role in care can be; making a hugely positive difference to the lives of older people in local communities.


Samuel Holmes

Samuel Holmes

Director & Owner

A former social worker, Samuel has a passion for supporting people to lead fulfilling lives.

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